PROOF of MULTIVERSE FOUND! | New EXPERIMENT Proves Existence Of Multiverse

 The Multiverse: Is it Real or Just a Theory?


Imagine living in a multiverse where alternate versions of ourselves exist in parallel universes. According to theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, if the timelines of these universes were to cross, the information from both universes would exchange as memories on a human level. This phenomenon is known as Deja Vu, and it is experienced by 79% of the world's population, according to a study by the University of Zagreb. However, is there a less popular explanation for Deja Vu, such as the existence of a multiverse?

A Woman's Strange Experience:

In 2017, a woman shared a bizarre experience on Reddit that may provide some evidence for the existence of a multiverse. She received a text message from her husband's number, even though her husband was sleeping next to her and his phone was on the side table. When she asked the sender why they had messaged her, the response was "your number is saved in my phone but I don't know you." The sender referred to her as "Wi-Fi," a nickname only her husband used. While there may be other explanations for this incident, one possibility is that the timelines of her husband's parallel versions crossed paths, leading to this strange connection.

Legitimate Experiments:

While speculative stories capture our imagination, let's turn our attention to legitimate experiments that provide evidence for the existence of a multiverse. To understand the multiverse, we must first revisit the Big Bang theory. The commonly known version of the Big Bang theory only tells half the story. In reality, just before the Big Bang, all known energy was centered at a point, making it unstable. When it exploded, the energy started to be distributed equally in the expanding space. This rapid expansion is known as inflation. However, the story doesn't end there.

Cosmologists propose that the energy fluctuations during the Big Bang led to the formation of quantum fluctuations, similar to vibrations in our space-time. These fluctuations then gave rise to stable bubble universes within the expanding space. This theory, proposed by American theoretical physicist Sidney Coleman in 1977, suggests that our universe went through a false vacuum state before transitioning into a more stable true vacuum state. This transition created countless bubble universes, including our own.

An Experimental Breakthrough:

In a groundbreaking experiment conducted by physicists at Trento University in Italy, the bubble universe theory proposed by Sidney Coleman was experimentally proven. The scientists supercooled sodium gas to mimic the conditions of the false vacuum state after the Big Bang. They exposed the gas to radiation and observed that some atoms within the gas spontaneously transitioned to a more stable state, resembling the formation of bubble universes. This experiment provides experimental evidence for the formation of bubble universes within the multiverse.

Is it Proof of the Multiverse?

While the experiment conducted at Trento University provides some evidence for the existence of a multiverse, it does have limitations. Currently, there is no direct proof of bubble universes within our universe's cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). However, recent data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) suggests that the age of the universe calculated from the CMBR may be incorrect. If this data indicates a discrepancy, it is possible that evidence for the formation of bubble universes within the multiverse is already present in the CMBR, but we are unable to detect it yet.


The concept of a multiverse, where infinite parallel universes exist, has long been a subject of speculation and scientific inquiry. While experiments like the one conducted at Trento University provide some evidence for the existence of a multiverse, further research is needed to fully understand its implications. The mysteries of the multiverse continue to captivate our curiosity and drive us to explore the unknown. Perhaps one day, we will uncover the truth behind this fascinating concept.


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