Does CONSCIOUSNESS Create REALITY According To Quantum Mechanics?

 Is Reality an Illusion? Exploring Quantum Decoherence


Have you ever wondered if the world you see is being created by your own consciousness? This is a question that has puzzled scientists and philosophers for centuries. In ancient Vedic philosophy, the universe is even referred to as an illusion. But what do the founders of quantum mechanics have to say about this? In this blog, we will explore the concept of quantum decoherence and how it relates to the nature of reality.

The Double Slit Experiment:

To understand quantum decoherence, we must start with the most powerful and miraculous experiment in history, the double slit experiment. This experiment has been the backbone of quantum theory and it proves that the reality we perceive is actually a specific illusion. In the late 17th century, physicists were divided into two groups regarding the nature of light - Group A believed that light is a particle, while Group B believed that it is a wave. Both groups had solid experimental evidence to support their claims.

In the early 19th century, two experiments were conducted that further supported the wave nature of light. The destructive interference pattern of light was demonstrated by British physicist Thomas Young in 1804, and the constructive interference pattern was shown by French physicist Franco Arago in 1819. These experiments led to the acceptance of the wave theory of light for the next 100 years.

However, in the 20th century, two experiments were conducted that brought the particle theory of light back into the limelight. The photoelectric effect experiment performed by Einstein in 1905 showed that light interacts with electrons as particles, and the Compton scattering experiment of 1923 demonstrated that X-ray light transfers its energy to electrons through particle-like interactions. These experiments resulted in a tie between the particle theory and the wave theory of light.

Wave-Particle Duality:

The tie between the particle theory and the wave theory of light led to a revolutionary idea - wave-particle duality. If light, which was previously thought to be either a particle or a wave, could exhibit properties of both, then why couldn't other particles do the same? French physicist Louis de Broglie hypothesized in 1924 that if light can show wave-particle duality, then matter and all its particles and subatomic particles should also exhibit this duality. This idea was experimentally proven by the Davisson-Germer experiment in 1927.

However, this observation raised an important question - how does a particle's wave function collapse into a definite, specific reality? This question perplexed the founding fathers of quantum physics, including Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrodinger, and Werner Heisenberg. They came up with the Copenhagen Interpretation, which suggested that the act of measurement or observation forces a particle's wave nature to collapse into a particle nature. This interpretation led to the misconception that reality is created by observation, consciousness, or the soul.

Quantum Decoherence:

However, the concept of wave function collapse or quantum decoherence is not a supernatural process, but a physical one. Quantum decoherence occurs when a particle's wave motion loses synchronization due to interactions with the environment. This loss of synchronization leads to the averaging out of the wave properties, resulting in a particle-like behaviour. Decoherence breaks the coherence of the wave functions, which were previously in sync, and causes them to behave as individual particles.

When quantum objects exhibit wave behaviour, they show interference patterns. However, when a detector is introduced to measure or observe these particles, their wave behaviour is disrupted. The detector interacts with the particles, causing their wave functions to collapse and lose coherence. As a result, the particles no longer exhibit interference patterns and appear as individual particles on a screen.

It's important to note that this collapse of the wave function is not due to supernatural forces or consciousness, but a consequence of interaction with the environment. The mathematical wave function collapses, and the particles' behaviour becomes localized and predictable.

Quantum vs. Classical World:

One may wonder why quantum objects exhibit wave behaviour while macroscopic objects do not. This is because quantum systems, consisting of a limited number of atoms, can achieve synchronization and exhibit wave behaviour. However, as the number of atoms increases, synchronization becomes nearly impossible, resulting in the averaging out of wave properties. This is why macroscopic objects appear as particles and do not exhibit wave behaviour.

Another restriction is the de Broglie wavelength, which states that as the mass of an object increases, its wavelength decreases. This means that even if a macroscopic object could achieve synchronization of its wave functions, its wave nature would be too small to be noticeable. The restrictions of the universe keep the quantum world separate from the classical world, making them appear different to us.


In conclusion, the concept of reality being an illusion is not a result of supernatural forces or consciousness, but a consequence of quantum decoherence. The double slit experiment and subsequent experiments have shown that particles exhibit both wave and particle behaviour. Quantum decoherence occurs when a particle's wave function loses its synchronization due to interactions with the environment. This loss of synchronization leads to the collapse of the wave function and the appearance of particle-like behaviour.

It's important to note that quantum decoherence is a physical process and not a result of consciousness or observation. The understanding of quantum decoherence has shed light on the nature of reality and has debunked the misconception that observation creates reality. The quantum world and the classical world are distinct due to the restrictions imposed by the laws of physics.

By understanding quantum decoherence, we gain a deeper insight into the mysterious world of quantum mechanics. While it may seem complex at first, with further exploration and study, we can unravel the secrets of the quantum realm and continue to expand our understanding of the universe.


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